Nga Korero ma nga Kaipupuri Hea
Investor Centre

Tena tatou katoa, tena tatou i o tatou mate, tangihia ratou kua wheturangitia, waiho mai ko tatou te hunga ora, tihei mauri ora!

Kei te mihi ki a koe e tautoko ana i tenei kamupene i tipu ake hei oranga mo te iwi. He rongoā te whai, he oranga whenua, he oranga tangata ano te whai. Nō reira, nau mai haramai.

Our vision at Rua Bioscience is simple - to create cannabinoid-derived medicines that change people’s lives; from right here in Te Tairawhiti.

In supporting Rua, you support a truly unique medicinal cannabis company.

One that strives to be a successful, sustainable, and trusted partner that creates value for our people – our shareholders, patients, growers, research, and commercial partners.

One with an ambitious social mission – to create sustainable opportunities for the people of Te Tairawhiti for generations to come.

Whakahaerehia ou Hea
Manage Your Shareholding

No matter how or when you bought your shares, Computershare Services Limited now maintains Rua Bioscience’s share register and is your first port of call when it comes to managing your shares.

Through Computershare’s system, you can change your address, view your investment portfolio, and update preferences for how you would like to receive shareholder information – by mail or electronically.

All you need to have is your CSN (shareholder number) and FIN ready to go.

Log in to Computershare.

If you have shares but are not quite sure where to start with CSNs and FINs - don’t worry, you’re not alone. Please contact the Computershare team:
Phone: +64 9 488 8777

The team at Rua Bioscience is also here to help:

  • Yes you can. Click on this link to Sharesies and follow the instructions.

  • If you dont already have a share broker company that you work with, a really easy way to buy shares is with the Sharesies app. Visit Sharesies at, create your own account (if you dont already have one), and search for RUA and follow the instructions.

  • If you bought shares right back in the beginning, you will need to contact Computershare and they will help you find your account and your shares.

Nga Take o te Wa
Keeping up to Date with NZX Announcements

Rua Bioscience is listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange with the ticker RUA.

In accordance with their listing rules, the NZX website is the first place we make all required announcements to the market including our financial results and Annual Report, Director and Senior Management changes, meeting notices, market updates, major transactions... a range of things it’s important you know.

Click here for all Rua Bioscience announcements.

You can also keep up to date with our performance and all the latest company news right here on our website.

Nga ra Whakahirahira
Key Dates

End of Financial Year: 30 June each year

Release Full Year Results: August each year

Release Annual Report: Usually September each year

Annual Meeting: Usually October each year

Release Half Year Results: February each year

Nga Ripoata Putea
Full and Half-Year Results

Ngā hui a tau a ngā Kaipupuri Hea
Annual Shareholders Meetings

Rua’s Annual Shareholders Meeting is a major milestone in our corporate governance cycle. It’s an excellent opportunity for our shareholders to meet the team kanohi ki te kanohi and take the temperature of the company. It’s here that we review the year from an operational and financial perspective, and talk more about our future aspirations and the outlook for the company.