Germany Brand Launch Event - Rua and Nimbus.
Tēnā tatou e hika ma,
Kua rewa te kaupapa o Rua ki Tiamana, ā, kua tohua i te hononga o Rua me te kamupene o Nimbus. Rekareka ana rātou o tāwāhi ki wā mātou mahi whakaora tāngata.
On a beautiful rooftop venue in Berlin, Germany, Rua Bioscience and Nimbus Health joined forces to co-host an unforgettable brand launch event. The evening was focused on sharing the Rua story with doctors, pharmacists and patients.
The launch event not only showcased the Rua brand but also highlighted the impact Rua is making to the lives of patients in Te Tairawhiti and Germany. Attendees were captivated by the stories of patients whose lives had been positively transformed by medicinal cannabis therapies, of scholarships to tauira (students) and the unique Compassionate Access Programme provided by Rua Bioscience.
The event showcased the successful collaboration between Rua Bioscience and Nimbus Health, bringing together two organizations with a shared vision for better products for patients. It also showcased the strength of Rua's network and its ability to collaborate with industry leaders to achieve common goals.
As a shareholder, I take pride in the strides Rua Bioscience has made and the impact it continues to have. The successful launch event in Germany serves as a testament to Rua's dedication to positive, sustainable revenue streams in export markets.
We look forward to sharing further updates on Rua Bioscience's progress and achievements as we continue this journey together.
Kei Ruatorea te pūtake o te kamupene, heoi kei te ao ngā parirau e whātoro ana, koinei tētahi o ngā tūmanako ō Rua. (Originating in Ruatorea with wings that spread to the far reaches of the world, this has been a realisation of one of Rua’s goals.)
Hei konei rā mō tēnei wā, noho ora mai.
Paul Naske
Chief Executive Officer
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